1001 Electrical Engineering Solved Problems Pdf Creator
900 m/s Solution If we calculate the time it takes the axle to rotate 20, then we can calculate the time it takes the bullet to travel the distance between the two discs. The discs rotate at 3,00 rpm which is equal to 3,000 / 60 = 50 revolutions per second 20º is 20º / 360º = 0.0556 of a complete revolution Therfore the disc rotates 20º in 0.0556 / 50 = 0.0011 s Which means the bullet travels 1 m in the same amount of time The linear velocity of the bullet is therefore 1 / 0.0011 m/s = 900 m/s.

90 m Solution First, calculate the X and Y components of the initial velocity V x = V x cos53º V y = V x sin 53º V x = 25 x 0.6 V y = 25 x 0. Download Timeline Template Omni Graffle Coupon on this page. 8 V x = 15 m/s V y = 20 m/s Vertical motion: Calculate the time taken for the projectile to reach its maximum height: V final = V initial – g x T 0 = 20 – 9.8 x T T = 2 s Calculate the maximum height: Y = V y x T x SIN(A) - g x T 2 / 2 H = 20– 9.8 x 2 2 / 2 H = 20 m H max – 20 + 60 = 80 m Free fall from the maximum height: H = ½ x g x T 2 80 = ½ x 9.8 x T 2 T = 4 s Therefore the total time = 4 + 2 = 6 s Horizontal motion: X = V x T = 15 x 6 X = 90 m. About Us ExamTools was formed to provide engineering exam candidates with programmed calculators, guides, advice and publications that are designed to help pass the Fundamentals of Engineering and Professional Engineering licensing exams. All of the ExamTools programs are unique to this site and all software and publications are fully authored by licensed professional engineers. Some updates to the products and programs have recently been made for the 2014 exam format. Driver Converter Stick Ps2 Controller. New products are constantly under development, and will be posted as soon as available.