Njta Manual For Traffic Control In Workzones Santa Barbara
The primary objective of a Traffic Safety Assessment (TSA) is to improve traffic safety in a city or county. Improved local enforcement and engineering practices and programs can reduce traffic collisions that cause injury, death, and property damage. To achieve these objectives, Tech Transfer provides free Traffic Safety Assessments, in which evaluators will review your city or county's traffic safety conditions, programs, and needs, and suggest new strategies to improve local traffic safety. Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the, through the. How is the Traffic Safety Assessment conducted?
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If an agency is selected for a TSA, Tech Transfer will assign a team of two traffic safety experts, one licensed traffic engineer and one traffic enforcement expert, to conduct the TSA. Aterciopelados Disco Grafia De Jose. The evaluators will begin with a thorough phone interview of local agency staff and then schedule a one-day visit to the city or county to observe traffic conditions in the field. They also review available safety data such as and.
Based on the available collision data and discussions with city and county staff, a list of intersections and roadway segments with the highest rates of collision is proposed for the evaluation. On the day of their site visit, the TSA team meets with key police and engineering staff to identify local issues, and then performs a site review of traffic safety conditions in the field.
Following the site visit, the TSA team prepares a report presenting their findings and suggestions to improve traffic safety and traffic operations in the city or county. Who can request a Traffic Safety Assessment? Any agency within a city or county in California may request a Traffic Safety Assessment from Tech Transfer. However, the number of evaluations we can do each year is limited by funding from OTS. Priority is given to applicants with significant traffic safety issues based on OTS collision rankings. Communities with the highest collision rates (top ten) for their population group are given priority. Communities with populations over 25,000 that appear in the top ten lists for OTS collision rankings are given the highest priority.