Montgomery Ward Boat Motor Serial Numbers
Hey guys, im trying to get my boat back in the water before it gets too late in the season Im fixing my old chrysler sea king 15hp montgomery ward. The model # reads VWB 52119C. Ive looked all over and the best resource Ive found is here.
I have tried to do research on it and I think it's a Montgomery Ward/Sea King 14' V Hull boat. All the data tag gives me is a serial number, max 14 hp, 3 persons and not to exceed 600 lbs total. Just one similar I found, so you could get an idea of what mine looks like (less the motor and trailer). This sale is for a fantastic vintage 'Sea King' outboard boat motor. Though it carried the Montgomery Ward name, we have been told that the 'EA' part of the model number makes it a little more rare in that this motor was built by Evinrude. We have also been told that the '64' indicated a 1946 date and that the serial number.
The 1980 has a model # VWB52119 without a 'C' and the 1981 and 1982 has a model # with an 'R' at the end. Ive googled and seen a lot of people with A,B, and C at the end of the '52119' portion. Whats what here can anyone tell me which year my motor is and what to make of these A's B's and C's?
Montgomery Ward - Sea King Outboard Manuals - Motor Repair. Use our Engine Year - Serial Number Match-up. Montgomery Ward - Sea King Outboard. Die Frau Mit Dem Roten Hut Rar.